Turk Nokta NetÆe Ho■ Geldiniz!
English version is below.
Internet kullan²m²n²za ba■lamadan ÷nce, baz² ÷nemli hususlar² size hat²rlatmak istiyoruz.
- Turk Nokta Net'e eri■im iτin, CD'nizden yⁿklenen Turk Nokta Net Eri■im Numaralar² yaz²l²m²n² kullanabilirsiniz.
- Mⁿ■teri Hizmetleri Departman², haftan²n 7 gⁿnⁿ, 24 saat hizmet verir.
E-Posta Adresi: musterihizmet@turk.net
Telefon: 444 00 77 - Faks: (212) 220 85 22
- Teknik Destek Departman², haftan²n 7 gⁿnⁿ, 24 saat hizmet verir.
E-Posta Adresi: destek@turk.net
Telefon: 444 00 77 - Faks: (212) 220 85 22
- Muhasebe Departman², τal²■ma gⁿnlerinde 09:00-18:00 saatleri aras²nda hizmet verir.
E-Posta Adresi: muhasebe@turk.net
Telefon: (212) 216 11 16 - Faks: (212) 216 11 26
Turk Nokta Net Bilgi Hizmetleri A▐.
Welcome to Turk Nokta Net!
Before starting your Internet usage, we would like to remind you some important points.
- For Turk Nokta Net Dial-up Access Numbers use Turk Nokta Net Eri■im Numaralar² software which is installed with your CD.
- Customer Services Line, open 7 days, 24 hours.
E-Mail Address: musterihizmet@turk.net
Phone: 444 00 777 - Fax: (212) 220 85 22
- Technical Support Line , open 7 days, 24 hours
E-Mail Address: destek@turk.net
Phone: 444 00 77 - Fax: (212) 220 85 22
- Accounting Department , open weekdays between 09:00-18:00 hours
E-Mail Address: muhasebe@turk.net
Phone: (212) 216 11 16 - Fax: (212) 216 11 26
Turk Nokta Net Bilgi Hizmetleri A▐.